How Not to Lose a Candidate in 10 Steps

As Andie Anderson, played by Kate Hudson in one of my favorite rom-coms, wisely puts it, “You can’t lose something you never had.”

While Andie was working on losing a guy in 10 days, in the competitive world of hiring, we’re aiming to do the exact opposite. Once you find the right candidate, you’ve only fought half the battle. Keeping your candidate engaged throughout the hiring process is equally crucial. Losing a promising candidate can be a costly setback, both in terms of time and resources. Here are ten essential steps to ensure you don't lose the candidate you have your sights set on along the way.

1. A Speedy Start:

From the moment a candidate expresses interest in your organization, the clock is ticking. Act quickly to acknowledge their application or interest and initiate the process. This person could be casting a wide net, and delayed responses can lead to qualified candidates moving forward with opportunities where outreach is timelier.

2. Clear Communication:

Open, honest, and transparent communication around the hiring process is vital. Outline the steps from the beginning, explaining each stage and the expected timeline. Show your commitment by keeping candidates informed of any changes or delays.

3. Personalize the Experience:

Acknowledge the uniqueness of each candidate.  Make sure you read through their resume ahead of time and tailor your interactions to their background, interests, and aspirations. Show that you see them as more than just an applicant.

4. Showcase Your Culture:

According to a Glassdoor Survey, culture & values within an organization matter to employees most – ranking above senior leadership, career opportunities, and compensation. Candidates are not just evaluating the job; they're assessing your company's workplace environment. Use every interaction to highlight your organization's values, mission, and the experience you deliver.

5. Leverage Technology:

Utilize technology to simplify the process. Automated updates, such as application received or interview scheduled, keep candidates engaged and informed without overwhelming your team or asking for more than what is necessary at the time.

6. Feedback Loop:

Provide timely feedback to candidates after interviews. Keep them updated about their status in the hiring process so they feel informed.  Ask them for their feedback as well!  Remember, interviewing is a two-way street.

7. A Human Touch:

While technology is invaluable, don't underestimate the power of personal interaction. Encourage recruiters and hiring managers to build genuine connections with candidates.

8. Stay Top-of-Mind:

Maintain regular contact even between interview rounds. Share relevant company news, updates, or articles that keep candidates interested and excited about your organization. This is also a way to add a human touch, giving you the opportunity to build a relationship with potential hires.

9. A Seamless Process:

An overly complicated or lengthy hiring process can be discouraging. Take the time to audit and streamline your steps as a way to minimize hurdles.

10. Seek Continuous Improvement:

Gather feedback from both successful hires and those who did not join your organization. Use this feedback to continue to refine your process. 

The art of not losing a candidate involves a careful balance of efficiency, communication, personalization, and technology. Every step in your hiring process should be designed with the candidate's experience in mind. Remember that candidates are not just evaluating you; they're evaluating your company as a potential future employer. While Benjamin may have killed Andie’s love fern in my rom-com, yours can prosper by implementing these ten steps to create a candidate-centric process that attracts and retains top talent.


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